Apr 16, 2009

Skywatch #4 Gloomy Clouds

The sun rays peeking through the gloomy clouds
showering of rain in a distant corner..

For more skywatch image click Skywatch site


Redzlan said...

Nice and typical "kampong" pictures with dark clouds.

Anne said...

Oh... maybe the rain cmes soon...

After al, a happy weekend to you.

FJL said...

Tabib : Yours nice too, especially the sunrise.Thanks for stopping by :)

Anne : Your photography is great! will try to hop in more and thank goodness it has English translation there, else Im lost in Norway :)

Arija said...

To me the clouds are not at all gloomy, but would be very welcome here.

FJL said...

Sometimes the rain is too much for the garden and for us to go out. I guess rain-rain go away and go to South Australia for now :)

FLOJOE said...

Wei...rain-rain come here in Victoria.. hard to get rain in our place.. Kemarau melulu..suma rumput kuning hehe

FJL said...

Ya ka, panas la tu kan, tu satu blogger pun harap hujan sana, kering amat ka? hehe sini satu minggu kadang pertengahan atau hr 5 atau weekends, petang hujan la gitu..nda kena catu aing ka? hehe

Huzhar said...

Looks like we are still in rainy season. Nice capture of the dark clouds, I love the coconut tree..

FJL said...

Syaa_Fiqq : Yes i think so too, but sometimes its hot and sunny here. Coconut tree a typical tree in the kampung and thanks for stopping by :)

Vj said...

iya boring kn ujan ja, aku mo buka kadai kasi mati katak ja ni malar ja mangil ujan haih...

FJL said...

Tumbleweed : wakakak bagus ko buka kadai jual katak taiwan ja ada juga hasil bumi haha