Jun 17, 2009

A Baby In the House

A silence blog cabin for the past 4 weeks. Time flies and so much had happened in this life. During the school holidays we had 4 months old baby Jayden in the house. He's my SIL's baby and a kuai2 baby of a type.
baby Jayden
part time baby sitter (depends on the mood)

D and E for June pose..


Vj said...

budak jaat pandai meng-baby sit kikikis

FJL said...

V.J :
Dia kin macam dolly ja adalah kalau nda di tingu hihi

Vj said...

atuk... bahaya.. jgn di biar anak2 atu lol

FJL said...

ya nggak buli bu nanti takut kalo-kalo diinjak-injak hihi