The other day I bought a chocolate moist cake from my colleague and Emerald really likes it. I was about to order again but at a second thought I said I better trying to make the cake myself. Browsing through the net I found several recipes of making the cake. After school hours ended on Friday I went to buy the ingredients needed. The baking session went on smoothly and so was the deco. But when Emerald tasted it in the morning she said 'yuck' and threw it outside the house. I was prepared for this as Ive tasted it the night before. It didnt turn out to be the same taste as my colleague's cake. The sweetness was not there and for sure it was not moist, the topping yes. What Ive learnt from this baking was that never trust an instant cake which everything was prepared in a box and only waiting for you to pop it in the oven. The outer side of it will turned out perfect but not the taste.
I knew the mistake, I should buy ingredients which have to be measured first before I bake them. On my second attempt which consists of measured ingredients for the concern cake, guess what?.. the outcome was really rewarding, a truly chocolate moist cake indeed it became, only I hope that no yucky things again in the morning..
tadaa...a slice of chocolate moist cake with mango as the background..the taste 'yummy' according to my tongue..
I knew the mistake, I should buy ingredients which have to be measured first before I bake them. On my second attempt which consists of measured ingredients for the concern cake, guess what?.. the outcome was really rewarding, a truly chocolate moist cake indeed it became, only I hope that no yucky things again in the morning..
adui!!! sedap o flo! ada lagi ka tu a?? *wink* *wink*
Hari ni? tinggal serdak-serdak lagi haha..nantila next weekend buat lagi..kalo menjadi la wakakak
wah santik kik ko?! bagi la resepi - ni sendiri2 makang haha
Resepiny p cari sendri sini hihi..malas mo taip
nanti ko buat kasi share ah, cuma jan taru tu campuran koko tlampau bnyk nti cair tu batter pula, karang nda kambang pula..untuk ganache topping ko bili
1) whipping cream guna 100 gm
2) 1 senduk butter
3) coklat masakan 100gm
if guna whipping cream 200gm, coklat pun 200gm, ko masak cara double boiler, mcm tu daouble boiler, ko google sendri haha..aku menantikan cuklat kek moist mu kay hihi
oya aku masak 180 degree untuk 50mins, kalau lum masak ko cuba 1jam..
alah tahap2 mem"baking" kik ni la yg aku paling lemah... aku rated diriku d tahap E wakakaka. tapi akan ku terai juga no matter what..abis dangki meliat kik mu yg cantik itew..
ishh malas sia org pandai buat kik ni! Dongkinya.. ok nanti ku try tapi next wik ah.. taulah mau p coles dulu bili ingredients haha
P/s mana updates baru? looking 4ward la mau baca..
ala sinang saja maa, bukan ko pake kayu api wooo...tu oven yg masak kihkih..ko cuma men smart ja bahan2nya dong..
updatesnya pun baru mo draf mr loba-loba suda mo pake komp, hangen sluruh badan, baik aku zzzz..jadi arap2 dpt karang la nanti..
iya nanti sia buat this weekend. hope menjadi la tu - hehe kayu api? siok o main tiup2 sampai hitam lubang idung - masi la sia ingat kekeks.. anyway - kasian juga ko.. updates palan2 la kalau mr loba2 sudah bising2 hangen sluruh badans haha
ba nanti ko plg kita baking sama2 mama mumuk ah! barula ada ummph cokelat kik ko
flojoe :
Sy ada buat lagi tu weekend ikut tul2 kono resepi dia tapi nda mjadi, mimang tu pes coklat nda buli taru suma and gula cukup 1cawan stgh ja, yg aku bt baru2 ni adadada manisss skali dong smpi nda tmakan haha
tumbleweed :
ya nti kasi mumuk lagi mama mumuk hihi..
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