started early on that day..
whoooshhh down the hill
uphill angle
managed to capture a weird whirl clouds
a fork road nearing Papar
Emerald missed the journey by dozing off
Darrell always pick the middle seat with full body covers as he has less fats now and cannot stand the cold morning air ;)
almost there..
Happy holidays to all and hope you enjoy every minute of it..Life is short and we should live life to the fullest yet meaningful :)
I lurrrve the first & last picture! len kali jan suruh si amey ohoi! Daryl is owez in the co-pilot position. Go buyuix2 chaiyo! chaiyo!
ko yg pandu flo....cempion oh ko kan..
Tumbleweed : C amei memg kompem zz punya..Ya Darel co pilot hihi
kalo gue yang pandu, gimana sih mo ambik tu gambar dong..hik.
ihh miss sia kandingau oh!! Alahla si amey tidur pula. Si buyui pula be"hoody" - kesajukan ka dia tu? kasian darel!! di tangah2 lagi dia tu haha..
ya begagar2 dia pepagi d kasi bgn, jadi tutup suma la, sb nda bnyak lemak..
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